Subversive Woodworking

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Welcome to Subversive Woodworking. This is an avenue for learning accessible woodworking techniques, as well as an invitation to participate in co-creating an inclusive process of commoning that explicitly contributes to the political project of encouraging us to value the labour of our own hands over purchased commodities.

Subversive Woodworking Logo.png

Subversive Woodworking has several ways to help you Get Started with hand-tool woodworking, including a one-day class to see if you like it, and an ongoing supportive group, both currently in Brunswick, VIC, Australia.

"With the gross failure of the intellectual class, it has fallen to the craftsman to expose the hidden power inequities of society. Subversive woodworking has to take the lead, helping people make a choice between mindless consumerism and conscious craftsmanship."

Roy Underhill of The Woodwright's Shop

Click here to sign up for updates on our volunteer-run classes

Our Values

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Subversive Woodworking takes an explicit position on values. We don't think that these values are needed for all woodworking, but there are plenty of other woodworking groups around if these don't resonate with you.

The Journey Matters

How an item gets made is part of it's beauty. Knowing that something is crafted with love and care by someone who enjoys the work and avoids exploitation and oppression can add to it's beauty.

Commoning over Self-Reliance

Making things isn't an individual act, we live in a society and we all benefit from helping each other as we go. In particular we aren't just building a static "commons", like a shared workshop, we are actively engaged in the process of "commoning" which is a messy, human and ever-changing co-creation of shared resources, spaces, relationships and ways of living.

Inclusion and Accessibility

Experiencing the joy of making things should be available to everyone, and so we strive to create an inclusive environment by reducing barriers to participation. This includes explicitly addressing financial accessibility in recognition of the way that economic barriers to starting a new craft can disproportionately exclude people from groups that are marginalised within mainstream society (due to categorisations such as race, gender, sexuality, and ability).

Subverting Consumerism

When we buy mass-produced commodities, we are supporting a system that treats all labour as an interchangeable resource able to be exploited by those few owning the means of production. We promote joy in the process of creation in order to change our relationship with consumption.

“I want to live in a society where people are intoxicated with the joy of making things.” William S Coperthwaite

Our Craft

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Our goal is to make things. Things which fill us with a sense of beauty and pride and which we enjoy having in our lives, gifting to our loved ones, or trading in our communities.

Projects, Tools and Techniques

You can make anything you want, but to get you started this site includes a library of Projects. Each woodworking project is made up of Techniques which take practice to master, and require specific Tools.

You can follow your own path through these, or learn using our curated Journeys which take you through some foundational techniques and projects.

Entry Points

If you're new to woodwork, you may want to read about Getting Started.